

By Web Desk Jan 18 2021 3:27PM

Flutter is the most recent and popular mobile application UI development kit from Google that was released in May 2017. This toolkit enables users to create beautiful, natively compiled applications having different scrolling behaviors, typography, icons, and more. This open-source mobile SDK can be used for developing high-performance, high-fidelity native mobile applications with a single codebase. With Flutter, it is possible to build Android and IOS mobile applications using one programming language and one codebase. Applications developed using this UI toolkit is compatible with multiple devices like mobile devices, web devices, and also desktops.

A Software Development Kit(SDK) and the framework that consists of a UI library based on widgets are the two important parts of Flutter. SDK is a collection of tools that helps to build applications and the framework includes a set of reusable UI elements that can personalize the application according to requirements.

Dart is the programming language that is used for developing mobile applications using Flutter SDK. This client-optimized programming language mainly focuses on the front-end development of mobile and web application. The syntax of this typed object programming language Dart will resemble to Javascript.

Advantages of Flutter SDK

The Flutter SDK has many benefits other than offering cross-platform application development. The below mentioned are some examples of Flutter SDK.

Can be Learned and Use Easily: Flutter is a modern framework that is simple and easy to learn. This SDK requires only minimum code for creating excellent front-end for mobile application.

Code Can be Compiled Quickly: With Flutter, it is possible to modify the code and the output for this change can be viewed real-time. The result will be visible in a short time. This feature of Flutter is called Hot Reload.

Reduced Code Development Time: The Hot Reload feature of Flutter allows the developer to instantly view the changes applied to the code without losing the current application state. Also, this framework contains a huge set of customizable ready-to-use Material and Cupertino widgets that can reduce the development time.

Reduces Application Delivery Time: The flutter framework eliminates the need for platform-specific code. Also, it provides declarative API for building UI and this will boost the performance.

Open Source Project: Flutter is an user-friendly and easily accessible framework that built cross-platform applications.

Good Documentations and Resources: To help beginners, both Flutter SDK and Dart programming language provide well-detailed documentation. Flutter comes with many extensions and packages necessary for application development.

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